Here’s an overview of the most popular iMovie editing techniques. Editing may include cropping your movie so that it fits the social media platform you want to share it to, cutting out bloopers or mistakes, flipping or rotating videos, and shortening clips so the finished product is nice and tight. Once you have chosen clips and photos for your movie, you can begin editing. When you are finished selecting clips, tap Create Movie.(At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see a tally of how many items you’ve selected and an estimate of how long your movie will be.) Don’t worry - you can always add or delete clips later. Simply tap on the ones you want, and a blue checkmark will appear. Here, you can choose video clips and photos to add to your movie. Your Photo Library will appear on the screen.A trailer follows a template to create a Hollywood-style movie trailer. A movie allows you to combine videos, photos, and music to create a custom movie. You will be able to choose between creating a Movie and a Trailer for your first project.

Tap the large + icon in the upper-left corner.You will be taken to the Projects screen. Ready to make your first iMovie? Let’s get started. All of your movies, both finished and in progress, will be saved on the Projects screen for easy access. IMovie can be used to stitch together video clips and photos, set them to music, or add sound effects and voiceovers. If you get stuck on something, simply tap on the icon to access a short iMovie tutorial. When you open iMovie, you’ll see a question mark icon in the lower-right corner. Some parts of iMovie are intuitive and simple to use - others, not so much. Yes, there’s a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to use iMovie correctly, but with a bit of experimenting and this iMovie tutorial at hand, you’ll be producing, editing, and sharing your favorite videos using nothing but your iPhone and iMovie. Not only is it perfect for editing quick videos for sharing on your social media platforms, but it’s also powerful enough to do advanced video editing for all of your iPhone movies. IMovie is a powerful app that comes with your iPhone.